by Doug Bonness | Jul 5, 2016 | MD GeneticPro, MD Heartpro
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure (CHF) both are debilitating and leave you feeling short of breath. These two serious conditions share symptoms and common risk factors, but you should be aware that the causes, treatments and...
by Doug Bonness | Jul 1, 2016 | Allergy
Infographic is from healthfeed.uofuhealth.orgWhen the warm weather comes, most people spend more of their time outdoors. This is also the time that allergies act up the most. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell if you are coming down with a cold or if your...
by Doug Bonness | Jun 30, 2016 | MD Heartpro, MD Heartpro
Infographic from The Children’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaHeart conditions can wreck real havoc in any adult’s life. However, they are even more tragic when the condition attacks a child or young person. Numerous types of heart conditions and diseases attack...
by Doug Bonness | Jun 30, 2016 | MD GeneticPro, MD Heartpro
Infographic from the CDCMost people have this belief that a heart attack stats with a sudden pain to the chest as it has been shown in many movies. One study has shown that almost a third of all people who have heat attacks never experience chest pains. These patients...
by Doug Bonness | Jun 29, 2016 | MD Heartpro, MD Heartpro
Infographic from myheartsisters.orgEstablished Accepted Research Facts Previously, researchers reported in error that only 50 percent of heart attacks were caused by risk factors such as smoking cigarettes or unbridled cholesterol. But now they recapitulate that the...