
Image is from Huffington Post

Depression can be described as feelings of dejection and despondency. Depressions drain your hope, energy, and drive which makes it more difficult for you to do what you need to feel better. It interferes with the way you would enjoy life or interact with other people. If depression affects you, then you are not only just upset or sad. You have a condition that involves hopelessness and helplessness and an intense feeling of persistent sadness. You will also have physical problems including physical pains and aches, loss of energy, and sleeplessness. Depression is an illness that you need support to help fight. While overcoming it isn’t easy or quick, it’s far from impossible. The secret is to start small and rise from there. You can use the following tips;

Diagnosing and Treating Depression

  • Look for signs of depression

There are numerous common symptoms associated with depression. Seek help from your doctor if you identify with any of the following;

  • Experiencing insomnia
  • Inability to function well in everyday life
  • Persistent sadness that may include crying uncontrollably
  • Feelings of lack of self-esteem, worthlessness or self-blame
  • Feeling a sense that life is pointless, hopeless and futile
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Inability to enjoy activities you once loved
  • Finding concentrating difficult


  • Consult your doctor to help you ascertain medical causes behind your depression.

Some depression may be caused by treatment of other medical conditions or their side effects. Medical conditions can mimic depression in some cases. Your doctor can identify any physical causes for depression that may require specific treatment.

  • Research on depression to understand it

Learning what you can do about depression will help you overcome it. A wider understanding of depression will help you alleviate some of your worries and fears. It will also furnish you with tools to try for yourself.

  • Try talk therapy

Schedule an appointment with a mental health therapist for psychotherapy as this can be helpful in solving your depression. You are more likely to be successful in therapy if you feel comfortable with your therapist.

  • Consider taking prescribed medicine

Ask your doctor about the medication you are taking including side effects and duration. If you are experiencing side effects, be sure to report back to your doctor.

  • Try alternative remedies or therapies

You can explore the potential of alternative therapies that can help restore your emotional balance like music, pet therapy, art therapy, and acupuncture.

Making lifestyle changes

  • Eat healthy

Do research on foods that are said to improve your well-being and state of mind. Reduce your intake of fast foods, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup and sugar. Eat more vegetables, whole foods, and fruits. Also, drink plenty of water.

  • Exercise

Exercise is effective in treating depression by releasing a natural anti-depressant chemical in your brain that gets you into doing something active

  • Sleep well

Sleep is essential for a healthy, balanced body.

  • Be around positive people

Spend time with people who see the world in a positive way and talk to family, colleagues, and friends who make you feel good.

Changing your behavior

You can initiate this by doing fun things and treating yourself or keep busy to prevent negative thoughts around your head.

Changing negative thinking patterns

Understand the importance of overcoming negative thinking and look for the good even when talking.

Provided that you can access information and have a good support network and doctor around you, even severe depression can become a highly treatable condition. Recovering might take time, but you can get there if you make positive choices for yourself each day.