Premier-banner-allergies-faceyourriskAccording to Mylan, “severe allergies can find you when you least expect it.” Having allergies can be dangerous for some people. Especially, if you go into anaphylactic shock- which can be scary for you and your love ones.  Anaphylactic shock are very severe and potentially life threatening. Many people have gone to specialist, like Emergency medicine doctors, Critical care doctors, Allergy & immunology doctors, Pediatricians (infants, children, and teenagers), and to Primary care providers. However, some allergies are not life threatening but at the same time it is good to be prepared when something does not go as plan.

Here are some medications that can help:

  • Vasoconstrictor
    • Epinephrine
  • Bronchodilator
    • Albuterol
  • Antihistamine
    • Diphenhydramine
  • Steroid
    • Methylprednisolone

However, going to the doctors is a best way to figure out what is best for you. They can answer any questions you have about helping you figure out what you are allergic too to figuring out what is the best medication that will reduce your symptoms.

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