Delivering rapid, reliable, and meaningful results. Providing impactful, individualized molecular diagnostics solutions.
Get to the Heart of Your Patient’s Risk with MDHeartPro
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Inflammation Profile
- The PLAC test is the only blood test that measures Lp-PLA2: a vascular specific inflammatory marker critical in the formation of rupture-prone plaque.
- The only FDA-cleared blood test for stroke
- hs-CRP: Stroke risk 11 times greater if both Lp-PLA2 and hs-CRP “high risk.”
Advanced Risk Markers
- sd-LDL: Increases MI risk 3z
- Lipoprotein (a) “widow maker gene”: One in five people are genetically predisposed to have a dangerous level of this protein. 10x more predictive of premature heart disease than LDL cholesterol.
- Apo B: Apo A-1 Ratio is an efective predictor of coronary heart disease risk in overweight and obesity. It is a powerful marker of risk for future cardiovascular disease.
50% of heart attacks occur in patients with normal cholesterol.
60% of patients who have a cardiac event have normal lipid levels.